- When you write your application as a set of microservices, you’re actually writing multiple applications that will work together.
- Each microservice has its own distinct responsibility and teams can develop them independently of other microservices.
- The only dependency between them is the communication.
- As microservices communicate with each other, you will have to make sure messages sent between them remain backwards compatible.
- This requires some coordination, especially when different teams are responsible for different microservices.
- You can write, maintain, and deploy each microservice separately.
- A microservices architecture should be easier to scale, as you can scale only the microservices that need to be scaled.
- There’s no need to scale the less frequently used pieces of the application.
- It’s easier to rewrite pieces of the application because they’re smaller and less coupled to other parts.
- It’s easier to write a well-structured monolith at first and split it up into microservices later.
- With microservices, a lot of extra concerns come into play: communication, coordination, backward compatibility, logging, etc.
- Teams that miss the necessary skill to write a well-structured monolith will probably have a hard time writing a good set of microservices.
- A single action of a user can pass through multiple microservices.
- There are more points of failure, and when something does go wrong, it can take more time to pinpoint the problem.
- Applications where certain parts will be used intensively and need to be scaled.
- Services that provide functionality to several other applications.
- Applications that would become very complex if combined into one monolith.
- Applications where clear bounded contexts can be defined.
.NET Microservices. Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications
Microservices antipatterns and pitfalls
CodeOpinion - Software Architecture & Design
Fallacies of Distributed Systems
- These fallacies were statements made by Peter Deutsch and others at Sun Microsystems.
- They explain the false assumptions that people make about distributed systems.