
var appointment = new Appointment("John Smith");

appointment.ChangeState(new CheckedOut(appointment));
appointment.ChangeState(new Canceled(appointment));

public interface IAppointmentState
	Appointment Appointment { get; set; }
	IAppointmentState NextState { get; }
	bool CanChangeTo(IAppointmentState newState);

public class Requested : IAppointmentState
	public Appointment Appointment { get; set; }
	public IAppointmentState NextState => new Scheduled(Appointment);
	public Requested(Appointment appointment) => Appointment = appointment;

	public bool CanChangeTo(IAppointmentState newState)
		var acceptedChangeTypes = new []{ typeof(Scheduled), typeof(Canceled) };
		return acceptedChangeTypes.Contains(newState.GetType());

public class Scheduled : IAppointmentState
	public Appointment Appointment { get; set; }
	public IAppointmentState NextState => new CheckedIn(Appointment);
	public Scheduled(Appointment appointment) => Appointment = appointment;

	public bool CanChangeTo(IAppointmentState newState)
		var acceptedChangeTypes = new[] { typeof(CheckedIn), typeof(Canceled) };
		return acceptedChangeTypes.Contains(newState.GetType());

public class CheckedIn : IAppointmentState
	public Appointment Appointment { get; set; }
	public IAppointmentState NextState => new CheckedOut(Appointment);
	public CheckedIn(Appointment appointment) => Appointment = appointment;

	public bool CanChangeTo(IAppointmentState newState)
		var acceptedChangeTypes = new[] { typeof(Scheduled), typeof(Canceled) };
		return acceptedChangeTypes.Contains(newState.GetType());

public class CheckedOut : IAppointmentState
	public Appointment Appointment { get; set; }
	public IAppointmentState NextState => null;
	public CheckedOut(Appointment appointment) => Appointment = appointment;

	public bool CanChangeTo(IAppointmentState newState)
		var acceptedChangeTypes = new[] { typeof(CheckedIn), typeof(Canceled) };
		return acceptedChangeTypes.Contains(newState.GetType());

public class Canceled : IAppointmentState
	public Appointment Appointment { get; set; }
	public IAppointmentState NextState => null;
	public Canceled(Appointment appointment) => Appointment = appointment;

	public bool CanChangeTo(IAppointmentState newState)
		var acceptedChangeTypes = new[] { typeof(Requested), typeof(Scheduled), typeof(CheckedIn), typeof(CheckedOut) };
		return acceptedChangeTypes.Contains(newState.GetType());

public class Appointment
	private IAppointmentState _State;
	public string PatientName { get; set; }        

	public Appointment(string patientName)
		PatientName = patientName;
		_State = new Requested(this);

	public void Proceed()
		var nextState = _State.NextState;
		if (nextState == null)
			Console.WriteLine("This is the final step.");
		else _State = nextState;

	public void ChangeState(IAppointmentState newState)
		if (_State.CanChangeTo(newState))
			_State = newState;
		else Console.WriteLine("The current state cannot be changed to the specified state.");

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