1. It is a global object for JavaScript code.
  2. It represents the “browser window” and provides methods to control it.



for (let i = 0; i < document.body.childNodes.length; i++) {

let elem = document.getElementById('MyId');
console.log(elem.childNodes[0] === elem.firstChild);
console.log(elem.childNodes[elem.childNodes.length - 1] === elem.lastChild);
  1. We can use for..of to iterate over it:
  2. Array methods won’t work, because it’s not an array.

Siblings and the Parent

// parent of <body> is <html>
alert(document.body.parentNode === document.documentElement); // true

// after <head> goes <body>
alert(document.head.nextSibling); // HTMLBodyElement

// before <body> goes <head>
alert(document.body.previousSibling); // HTMLHeadElement

Element-only Navigation


alert( document.documentElement.parentNode ); // document
alert( document.documentElement.parentElement ); // null